TEKNİK ÖZELLİKLERİ/TECHNİCAL FIGURES Hız/Speed 0-50 m/dk(minute) Kumaş Genişliği/Fabric Width 180 cm Top Çapı/Rool Diameter 50 cm Makine Ölçüleri/Machine Dimensions 260x 170 x 210cm Makine Ağırlığı/Machine Weight 1050 kg Elektriksel Gereksinim/Installed Electricity 220v-50/60hz AC Güç Tüketimi/Power Consumption 2 kw
Fast, smooth and economic fabric inspection and rolling with single user.
Easy fabric entry.
Automatic stop system at the end of inspection and rolling process
Industrial light inspection panel
Fine meter counter with 1 cm sensitivity
Manual tension adjustment
Fixed 50 degree pitch angled controlling screen
Edge Correction Function
It's a quality inspection and rolling machine for woven fabric. Generally preferred by garment manufacturers. 180 cm wide fabrics can be easily inspected and rolled tight or lax.
It works from roll to roll. It has "edge correction function", even you upload a disordered roll, you will have it smooth in the end.